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If you need room for your soul to breathe just a little bit deeper and freer,these daily reflections are for you.

A life-long yearning for all things spiritual and also my venture into amore curious faith journey filled with all that makes each one of us acombination of dirt and divinity, humanity and holiness,have given me the passion to create this holisticand platitude-free devotional.

There will be a series of four, based on the seasons of the calendar: winter, spring, summer and autumn. This is the second: spring.

This three month daily journey through March, April, and May will be just what you need to move away from the rhythm of the tuck-in time of winter into the more active and blooming time of spring.

March follows along with Lent and takes a stab at "imaginative tellings" of several Bible stories and parables.

April invites us into Holy Week and Easter, then moves into Spring and new life and holding space for curiosity and play and frustration and loss and doubt and mostly all that it means to be human in a beautiful, terrible world.

May might be some of the best meditations I've ever written, addressing soul care and spiritual practices and hope for the summer, all ending with the ordinariness of our one precious life.

Wit Wisdom and Whimsy: Spring is here and I'm so grateful and I love her and I can't wait to share her with you!

(Don't use the "contact us" to order the book.  Hit "add to cart!")

Wit, Wisdom and Whimsy: Spring (eBook)


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