My Dear Fellow-Americans,
I know you are hurting because I am too. It's all just NOT right. The people who are supposed to lead us towards "e pluribis unum" (out of many, ONE) have tried to divide us in two.
We are NOT two. We are MANY. But we are also ONE.
We prove it day after day, in the ordinary moments of our American lives.
We are ONE.
I've seen it play out in these past months like no other.
All different colors of fire fighters beating back the flames, not caring at all whether the people they are saving vote Red, Blue, Green or Purple or None of the Above.
All different ages of people wearing those inconvenient and uncomfortable masks just because we want to stop one person from dying.
All different walks of life figuring out ways to keep our businesses from crumbling by getting take-out, shopping local and hiring contractors.
All different creeds walking peacefully together to speak out for healing, justice, restoration and HOPE, saying "It's enough. We want change and we want it for everyone!"
We are the PEOPLE of the United States of America.
We respect each other. We cheer for each other. We listen to each other. We count on each other. We need each other. We help each other. We learn from each other. We love each other.
No one can stop us from doing that. NO ONE.
So, when someone tries to convince you that we are TWO, don't listen. We are MANY. MANY colorful, diverse, caring, beautiful souls.
But we are also ONE. ONE in purpose. ONE in resolve. ONE in heart.
From my heart to yours,
E pluribis unum.