Nine years ago, I was a mom of a 19 year old, an 18 year old, a 15 year old and a 12 year old.
My husband commuted to a job 90 minutes away.
I was in the middle of some of the hardest and busiest times of my life.
Trapped in a mile-long to do list.
Trying to SEE God, but constantly pulled in a thousand directions, especially at 3:39 pm.
Sports. Exhaustion. Homework. Mom Guilt. Groceries. Tuition Bills. Church. Anxiety.
I must have read this quote somewhere.
It struck me enough that I stopped and posted it on Facebook. At 3:39 pm.
It was probably exactly what I needed at that specific time and wanted the world (or my little Facebook Friends world) to hear it.
To soak it in. To bask in its freeing and life-giving truth.
God SEES me. God loves me.
Right in the middle of the mayhem. Right where I am, not where I "should" be. Right at 3:39 pm.
He SEES me. He loves me.
Maybe that day, I got a little glimpse that held me up when I needed it the most.
Maybe I blasted some music on my iPod, headphones tangled around my neck. Maybe I stopped and danced around the kitchen with dirty dishes piled high in the sink.
And maybe today at 3:39 pm, I'll need another peek at the never-ending love of God.
Maybe I will throw on some worship music. Maybe I will dance freely around my office.
And maybe nine years from now, this will all happen again. At 3:39 pm.
I hope it does. I sure hope it does.